India has accounted for a 6.2% share of the global clinical trials activity in 2021, registering a decrease when compared with the last ten-year average of a 6.4% share, according to GlobalData.

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Non-industry sponsored trials outnumber industry sponsored trials in India

Industry sponsored trials held a 40.6% share of all the clinical trials in India in 2021, when compared with the ten-year average of 37.2%. Non-industry sponsored trials accounted for a 59.4% share in 2021 as against the average of 62.8% in the last ten years.

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Top therapy areas for industry sponsored clinical trials in India

Infectious Disease was the leading therapy area for industry sponsored clinical trials in India in 2021 with a 31.5% share, as against a five-year average of 16.9% and a ten-year average of 15.5%.

Central Nervous System held an 11.1% share in 2021, over a five-year average of 12.5% and a ten-year average of 12.8%.

Oncology held a 10.6% share in 2021, compared to a five-year average of 12.4% and a ten-year average of 13.9%. Metabolic Disorders held an 8.0% share in 2021, as against a five-year average of 12.2% and a ten-year average of 13.1%.

Respiratory held a 7.0% share, over a five-year average of 6.1% and a ten-year average of 6.7%.

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Top therapy areas for non-industry sponsored clinical trials in India

Central Nervous System was the leading therapy area for non-industry sponsored clinical trials in India in 2021 with a 29.6% share, as against a five-year average of 29.4% and a ten-year average of 30.7%.

Infectious Disease held a 19.9% share in 2021, over a five-year average of 10.4% and a ten-year average of 10.9%.

Mouth and Dental Disorders held a 9.2% share in 2021, compared to a five-year average of 7.2% and a ten-year average of 6.8%. Gastrointestinal held an 8.9% share in 2021, as against a five-year average of 9.8% and a ten-year average of 10.7%.

Oncology held a 7.8% share, over a five-year average of 7.3% and a ten-year average of 8.3%.

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Phase III trials lead industry sponsored clinical trials in India in 2021

Phase III trials held a 37.6% share of industry sponsored clinical trials in India in 2021, over a five-year average of 32.0% and a ten-year average of 36.0%.

Phase II trials held a 27.2% share in 2021, as against a five-year average of 28.3% and a ten-year average of 25.3%. Phase IV trials held a 19.6% share in 2021, compared to a five-year average of 23.8% and a ten-year average of 22.2%.

Phase I trials held a 15.6% share in 2021, over a five-year average of 15.9% and a ten-year average of 16.5%.

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Phase II trials lead non-industry sponsored clinical trials in India in 2021

Phase II trials held a 38.4% share of non-industry sponsored clinical trials in India in 2021, over a five-year average of 57.4% and a ten-year average of 57.4%.

Phase IV trials held a 30.3% share in 2021, as against a five-year average of 18.2% and a ten-year average of 21.4%. Phase III trials held a 26.7% share, compared to a five-year average of 18.0% and a ten-year average of 16.5%.

Phase I held a 4.6% share in 2021, over a five-year average of 6.4% and a ten-year average of 4.6%.

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The clinical trials data used for the analyses were extracted from the Clinical Trials Database of GlobalData’s Pharma Intelligence Center. Clinical Trials are sourced from numerous government, non-government and company clinical trial registries worldwide alongside clinical research publications, scientific conferences, company websites, SEC filings and more. The information is gathered by a combination of automation and secondary research to ensure accuracy and validity. A small number of Phase 0, Phase I/II, Phase II/III, and Phase III/IV trials were combined with Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV trials, respectively.