Clinical research organisation (CRO) Icon has begun the integration of Medidata Clinical Data Studio into its clinical studies.

This development makes Icon the first CRO to completely integrate this technology into its workflows.

The incorporation of this technology into Icon’s services enhances the Medidata Data Experience by combining data from both Medidata and non-Medidata sources.

This helps to accelerate decision-making processes and supports artificial-intelligence (AI)-driven risk evaluation strategies for both sponsors and sites.

Medidata’s AI and automation solutions serve as the foundation of Clinical Data Studio, improving the user experience by streamlining the processes of aggregation, standardisation, and management.

This enables ICON to access real-time data throughout the clinical trial process.

Medidata noted that, with the help of AI, data managers can reduce review cycle times by up to 80% per cycle.

The technology allows for improved cross-functional partnerships, the execution of a consolidated strategy, and additional operational oversight leading to rapid and quality clinical trials.

Icon clinical data science vice-president Evan Hughes said: “Icon leads in risk-based quality management, integrating Data Management and Central Monitoring teams in our Clinical Data Science group. To meet growing data demands and customer expectations for speed and efficiency, we selected Clinical Data Studio.

“This platform streamlines data review, central monitoring, and medical review processes using AI and statistical modelling for faster, precise data delivery.”

The two companies have worked together for over two decades, with Medidata supporting Icon in more than 1,700 clinical trials.

There are currently more than 400 active studies in progress, covering various therapeutic areas, such as vaccine therapies, oncology, and the central nervous system.

During this period, Icon claims to have used Medidata’s clinical outcome assessment (eCOA) and Medidata Designer to manage clinical operations and support sites, sponsors, and subjects.

In January this year, Medidata announced the continuation of its 13-year collaboration with Tigermed, a move aimed at improving clinical trial processes from early-phase studies to post-marketing surveillance.