Interim results from a study of Nemaura Medical’s Miboko (Mind, Body, Konnect) app show users lost an average of 2.9kg after 20 weeks of using the app as part of a metabolic health programme.
The multicentre study was done in collaboration with the UK’s National Health Service and included Nemaura’s wearable glucose sensor in conjunction with the Miboko app. Last month, the wearable glucose sensor sugarBEAT was approved by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA).
The Miboko app provides educational content on metabolic health and weight loss along with a measure of glucose variability and a Metascore, which is a Nemaura-described metabolic biomarker that considers a subject’s body mass index (BMI), insulin sensitivity, and lifestyle.
The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the subject’s engagement level and weight reduction upon using Miboko and daily wear continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). It also compared the app’s results with other similar programmes.
The study tracked 83 participants, with a mean age of 54 years old. Comprising 67% female and 33% male participants, 88% of the trial’s participants recorded their ethnicity as “White”. All enrolled participants had a BMI over 25 and none of them had expressed a willingness to join a weight loss programme nor heard of the Miboko programme. Participants were required to input their daily diet and lifestyle into the app, along with the weekly weight recording. Additionally, the participants wore the continuous glucose sensor for a day every two weeks to track glucose variability.
The participants had access to the educational modules and were given a video report on their glucose trend analysis and recommendations on diet and lifestyle modifications.
The interim analysis of 83 participants after 20 weeks showed an average weight loss of 2.9kg (6.3lb) in 59 participants. In addition, 21 of these participants reported over 5kg (11lb) weight loss.
The program had a retention rate of 32.5%, with 64% of the active participants stating that “they were likely or very likely to continue to use the programme”.
The participants also reported having an increased understanding and empowerment of their weight loss goals. Users also reported that the use of CGM sensors helped them better understand food choices and portion size.
CGM devices are expected to be worth $8.4bn by 2030, as per GlobalData. The use of such devices in patients without diabetes could increase the target market for these devices, especially with the introduction of non-invasive CGM devices.
GlobalData is the parent company of Clinical Trials Arena.