
Fios Genomics is a provider of an extensive range of data analysis services to pharma, CROs and academia for drug discovery and development and applied research across all species.

We provide access to a combined resource of in-house bioinformaticians, statisticians and biologists working together to analyse and interpret your genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic data.

We specialise in the analysis of high dimensional, multi-variant datasets and recognising patterns and trends associated with a trait, disease or drug response. Using robust statistics and pathway analysis, we will reveal the biology of your experiments.

Our proprietary computer solutions allow the analysis of large datasets to be parallelised, saving processing time and avoiding the complications that can arise when analysing data in batches.

Many of our analysis work flows can be automised meaning results can be obtained in minutes rather than hours.

Our services include:

  • Biomarker analysis
  • Microarray analysis
  • Next-generation sequence analysis
  • Data mining and integration
  • Proteomics and metabolomics analysis
  • Agricultural genomics

We also offer access to GLP laboratory services through our preferred wet lab partners.

Biomarker analysis

We employ a variety of data analysis approaches for discovery, characterisation and validation of genomic (RNA and DNA) and proteomic biomarkers. By combining our expertise in bioinformatic analysis of gene expression, next-generation sequencing, protein expression and epigenetic data with our extensive knowledge in therapeutic areas such as inflammation, immunology, oncology and infectious diseases, we can help you at every stage of the drug development process, from pre-clinical research to clinical development for identification of:

  • Drug targets
  • Biomarkers and toxicity response pathways for predictive toxicology
  • Biomarkers for measurement of drug efficacy and mechanism of action
  • Predictive biomarkers for stratification / classification of patient response to drug
  • SNP genotype / DNA sequence analysis for detection of novel SNPs implicated in disease or response to drugs

Microarray analysis services

Fios Genomics offers a wide range of bespoke data analysis solutions for a variety of microarray application areas.

Services range from array QC and basic statistics to advanced approaches such as network and pathway-based analysis, clustering techniques and data mining/integration methods to produce a comprehensive picture of the underlying biology of your experiment. Our approaches mean you can go wider and deeper in the scope of the analysis.

Our microarray analysis services include:

  • Gene expression analysis
  • Epigenetic analysis
  • SNP genotype analysis
  • RNAi and miRNA analysis

Next-generation sequence analysis (NGS)

Next-generation sequence (NGS) analysis enables an individual’s entire genome to be assessed for transcriptomes or the level of variation (polymorphism). Fios Genomics offers a comprehensive range of services for the analysis of data from the latest NGS technologies (Illumina, SOLiD, 454):

  • RNA-seq: for whole transcriptome sequencing to identify differentially-expressed genes
  • Exome analysis: for identification of known and novel SNPs and indels
  • Genome-wide association studies: to facilitate discovery of SNPs implicated in disease
  • ChIP-seq: analysis of DNA-protein interactions
  • Methyl-seq: bisulfite sequencing for epigenetic studies

Data mining, meta-analysis and integration

We can integrate, extract and mine data from a variety of analytical approaches which is considerably more powerful than each approach on its own:

  • Further data mining: pathway overlay of clusters can identify important targets and biological signatures of functional relevance
  • mRNA and miRNA: can identify statistically significant changes in miRNA levels that might have an effect on expression of genes in pathways implicated in a disease or response parameter of interest
  • mRNA and SNPs/indels: can identify where SNPs/indels correlate with the effects on expression of related genes; e.g. SNPs could map to putative/novel enhancer regions, promoters or within coding regions

Proteomics and metabolomics services

We can provide analysis of data generated by state-of-the-art proteomics and metabolomics technologies, such as Shotgun LC-MS/MS, SELDI-TOF MS and MALDI-TOF MS and protein arrays. Using our knowledge of these powerful technologies and expertise in the computational sciences we can provide unparalleled services for the analysis and interpretation of proteomics and metabolomics data to facilitate:

  • Biomarker identification
  • Protein and metabolite identification and quantification
  • Protein complex identification
  • Protein discovery
  • Protein and metabolite profiling

Agricultural genomics

Animal and plant genomics and genetics play a significant role in vaccine and therapeutics development, breeding and selection for meat quality, milk production and pest resistance. The same principles and methods for identifying SNPs and biomarkers in human data can be applied to livestock (sheep, pig, cow and poultry) and plant data. The benefits for the agricultural industry are enormous.

We offer a range of services tailored to animal and plant genomic data from the custom design and annotation of new microarrays, exploration of gene expression profiles (microarray or next-generation sequence based), and/or linkage/association analysis of a trait within a population.