Our analysts are closely monitoring the impact of Covid-19 on the oncology landscape, and the following infographics break down the oncology clinical trials, which have been terminated or suspended due to Covid-19.
Since March, 138 cancer trials have either been terminated (4) or suspended (134), and 33 have since resumed. The greatest disruptions were seen in Breast and Prostate Cancer trials and across Phases 1 and 2.
Over 85% of the trials that were suspended or terminated were not industry-sponsored, with the University of Wisconsin, Madison (19), and UNICANCER (16) most impacted. Notable suspensions include trials sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim (NCT03697304), and Novartis (NCT03484923, which has since resumed), both studying anti-PD-1 assets.
Although some trials identified the particular reason for the suspension as enrolment, accrual, or safety, many trials did not specify the reason for suspension beyond Covid-19. Trial suspension peaked in April and has been declining since June as resumption increased, illustrating the resiliency of clinical oncology.
Covid-19 Impact Day One.
Covid-19 Impact Day Two.
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